Important information about NSF’s implementation of the revised 2 CFR

NSF Financial Assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements) made on or after October 1, 2024, will be subject to the applicable set of award conditions, dated October 1, 2024, available on the NSF website. These terms and conditions are consistent with the revised guidance specified in the OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2024.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

NSF EPIIC invests $18.6M in 48 awardees at U.S. institutions of higher education

NSF invests $18.6M in emerging research institutions to grow their networks and their capacity to participate in regional innovation ecosystems

Awardees will receive training and support for three years to build more inclusive regional ecosystems and potentially connect to NSF Regional Innovation Engines

The U.S. National Science Foundation announced a new investment through its Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) program, totaling nearly $19 million to 48 awardees at U.S. institutions of higher education, including teams from historically Black colleges and universities, minority-serving institutions (MSIs), primarily undergraduate institutions, and community and technical colleges. Each awardee institution will receive up to $400,000 over three years. Combined with 47 awards made in 2023, NSF has invested almost $40 million in nearly 100 diverse institutions since NSF EPIIC's inception. 

EPIIC awardees will receive support to develop capacity and institutional knowledge to help them build new partnerships, secure future external funding and tap into their regional innovation ecosystems — potentially into an NSF Regional Innovation Engine (NSF Engine), NSF Engine Development Awardee, and/or a U.S. Economic Development Administration Regional Technology and Innovation Hub (EDA Tech Hub).

"NSF is committed to catalyzing and empowering all Americans to participate in the nation's research and innovation enterprise," said Erwin Gianchandani, NSF assistant director for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP). "This starts with creating pathways for the full range of institutions of higher education, nonprofits, state and local governments, tribal nations and private industry to engage in their regional innovation ecosystems. The EPIIC awards being announced today build upon previous efforts to connect diverse partners to develop inclusive innovation ecosystems and work together to accelerate key technologies and address pressing national, societal and geostrategic challenges all across the U.S." 

Launched by the TIP Directorate, EPIIC works with institutions interested in growing external partnerships and building innovation capacity. NSF recognizes that many institutions, including HBCUs, MSIs, small academic institutions and two-year institutions, stand to benefit from additional focused support for the infrastructure and resources needed to grow external partnerships and to tap into innovation ecosystems, including engaging with NSF Engines, NSF Engine Development Awards, and EDA Tech Hubs. 

The full award list can be found on NSF's award search webpage.