AMISR scientific goals will be enhanced by the addition of two important activities. One is the training of graduate students to help establish a user base of highly-qualified scientists who are knowledgeable in incoherent scatter theory and understand the practical challenges of designing and executing radar experiments. Second, is the development and deployment of optical instrumentation capable of observing properties of the upper atmosphere not measurable by AMISR. This solicitation is to provide funding for graduate students and optical instrumentation in support of the AMISR systems at Poker Flat and Resolute Bay. The graduate student activity entails support for scientists at academic institutions to pay graduate student costs for three years, plus no more than one month of the graduate student advisor's salary support for each of three years. Optical instrumentation support is for acquisition, design, development, and deployment of instruments at one of the two AMISR sites, or at a nearby site as appropriate.
Program contacts
Kile B. Baker Program Director
| | (703) 292-8519 |
Richard A. Behnke Section Head
| | (703) 292-8518 |
Robert Kerr Program Director
| | (703) 292-8529 |
Robert M. Robinson Program Manager
| | (703) 292-8529 |