Information and Technology for Infrastructure Systems (ITIS)
The objective of the Information and Technology for Infrastructure Systems (ITIS) program element is to nurture the development of a new science base that will promote broad application of advanced information systems and technologies that have significant potential to impact infrastructure system design, construction, maintenance, operation and control. The ITIS research portfolio is expected to include projects on information technology applied to: infrastructure construction management, operation, and life-cycle engineering; infrastructure system sensing and monitoring; distributed and remotely wireless micro devices with built-in sensors and processors for management of infrastructure systems and networks; internet-based data systems and networking technology; and voice and data communications technologies for infrastructure systems application.
Infrastructure Systems Management and Hazard Response (IMHR)
The Infrastructure Management and Hazard Response (IMHR) program element supports fundamental research that will support development of a new knowledge base on modeling and analysis of infrastructure system operation, performance, safety, and productivity. The IMHR research portfolio includes projects on infrastructure system and network management, including transport systems; infrastructure system modeling, simulation, and performance optimization; system risk management under environmental loads and extreme events; contributions of infrastructure to hazard preparedness and response, including societal and economic impacts; and conceptual and theoretical bases of infrastructure construction and operation as a scalable enterprise.
Program contacts
Jesus M. de la Garza Program Director
| | (703) 292-7791 |