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240 results for ""
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Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) | NSF 20-554

Supports systemic change projects to enhance gender equity and inclusion for STEM faculty.

Posted August 7, 2008
Full Proposal Target Date
August 2, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Preliminary proposal required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Mathematical Sciences Infrastructure Program | PD 20-1260

Supports research that strengthens research infrastructure across the mathematical sciences community; training projects that complement the Division of Mathematical Sciences' Workforce Program; and conference and travel requests.

Posted April 12, 2013
Full Proposal Target Date
August 6, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences (RTG) | NSF 24-570

Supports efforts to improve graduate student research training and professional development in mathematical sciences through structured groups pursuing collaborative research at institutions of higher education.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Deadline:
August 13, 2024

ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering (ECLIPSE) | PD 24-110Z

Supports translational research and workforce development at the interface of fundamental plasma science and technological innovation.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 13, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Partnerships for Research Innovation in the Mathematical Sciences (PRIMES) | NSF 24-517

Supports partnerships between minority-serving institutions and NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences supported research institutes.

Full Proposal Target Date
August 21, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) | NSF 23-601

Supports intensive research by undergraduate students in any NSF-funded area of research. REU Sites engage a cohort of students in research projects related to a theme. REU Supplements engage students in research related to a new or ongoing NSF research award.

Posted November 30, 2004
Full Proposal Deadline:
August 21, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) | NSF 23-556

Supports the facilitation, creation and growth of open-source ecosystems for the creation of new technology solutions.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 5, 2024
Standard Grant

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program | NSF 21-536

Supports interdisciplinary, evidence-based traineeships that advance ways for graduate students in research-based master's and doctoral degree programs to pursue a range of STEM careers.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 6, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (EFRI): Biocomputing through EnGINeering Organoid Intelligence (BEGIN OI) | NSF 24-508

Supports foundational and transformative research to advance the design, engineering and fabrication of organoid systems that are capable of processing information dynamically while interfacing with non-living systems.

Posted January 27, 2005
Letter of Intent Deadline:
September 12, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines

Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) | PD 23-8084

Large-scale simulations and the ability to accumulate massive amounts of data have revolutionized science and engineering. The goal of the Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) meta-program is to identify and capitalize on opportunities for major scientific and engineering...
Full Proposal Window
September 16, 2024
Proposal window September 1, 2024 - September 16, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet) | NSF 23-619

The contemporary research landscape is a collaborative and international enterprise requiring high level coordination among multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural teams. As such, the Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations program (AccelNet) values cooperation over competition. Program goals are to 1) leverage prior...
Posted March 11, 2009
Full Proposal Deadline:
September 16, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Workplace Equity for Persons with Disabilities in STEM and STEM Education | NSF 23-593

Supports fundamental, applied and translational research that advances knowledge and practice about diverse, equitable, inclusive and accessible STEM and STEM education workplaces and postsecondary training environments for persons with disabilities.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 17, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

Probability | PD 18-1263

Supports research on the theory and applications of probability including discrete probability, stochastic processes, limit theory, interacting particle systems, stochastic differential and partial differential equations and Markov processes.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Target Date
September 17, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research at the Interface of the Biological and Mathematical Sciences (DMS/NIGMS) | NSF 22-600

Supports research in mathematics and statistics necessary to answer important questions in the biological and biomedical sciences.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Window
September 18, 2024
Proposal window September 1, 2024 - September 18, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Foundations | PD 18-1268

Supports research in mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics, including proof theory, recursion theory, model theory, set theory and infinitary combinatorics.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Target Date
September 24, 2024

Combinatorics | PD 18-7970

Supports research on discrete structures. Focus areas include algebraic, enumerative, existential, extremal, geometric and probabilistic combinatorics, including graph theory.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Target Date
September 24, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Division of Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs (CHE-DRP) | NSF 22-605

Supports individual or small team research projects within the Division of Chemistry's disciplinary research programs.

Full Proposal Window
September 30, 2024
Proposal window September 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Analysis | PD 20-1281

Supports research in analysis, including complex, harmonic and real analysis; dynamical systems and ergodic theory; functional analysis; mathematical physics; operator theory/algebras; partial differential equations and calculus of variations.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Window
September 30, 2024
Proposal window September 16, 2024 - September 30, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant


Supports research to advance the interoperability of studies using electromagnetic waves, high-energy particles including neutrinos and cosmic rays, and gravitational waves to realize integrated, multi-messenger astrophysical explorations of the universe.

Full Proposal Window
September 30, 2024
Proposal window October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP) | NSF 24-588

Supports institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions by providing funding for graduate fellowships for new or continuing students who received the distinction of NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention within the last three years.

Full Proposal Deadline:
October 2, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH) | NSF 23-614

Supports the development of transformative advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, behavioral and cognitive research to address pressing questions in the biomedical and public health communities.

Posted July 31, 2008
Full Proposal Deadline:
October 3, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (MFAI) | NSF 24-569

Supports research collaborations between mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, engineers and social behavior scientists to establish innovative and principled design and analysis approaches for AI technology.

Full Proposal Deadline:
October 10, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Algebra and Number Theory | PD 20-1264

Supports research in algebra, algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory and representation theory.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Target Date
October 11, 2024

NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships (AAPF) | NSF 22-621

Supports postdoctoral fellows to conduct an integrated program of independent research and education in areas supported by the Division of Astronomical Sciences.

Full Proposal Window
October 15, 2024
Proposal window August 15, 2024 - October 15, 2024

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) | NSF 24-591

Supports fellowships for outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time, research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering or math or STEM education.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Deadline:
October 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines