Instructions for Sponsoring Scientist Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MSPRF)
The sponsoring scientist writes the statement (limited to 3 pages) and then sends the completed statement (typically, as a PDF or WORD document) to the applicant, who will then upload it into the application.
Instructions: The sponsoring scientist's statement is meant to show how the host and host institution will provide a vibrant and supportive environment for the Fellow's proposed research and training activities and provide a basis for the Fellow's future independent research career. Therefore, the statement should include a specific mentoring plan. The statement should address the following:
- the expected availability of the sponsoring scientist for consultation during the requested tenure period;
- the role that the sponsoring scientist will play in the professional development of the Fellow;
- the opportunities for training and research at the host institution that will be of particular benefit to the Fellow;
- the appropriateness of the match between the sponsoring scientist and the Fellow; and
- how the sponsoring scientist expects to benefit from the experience of supervising the Fellow.
Sponsors are not expected to provide all the mentoring themselves and may call on resources available on campus or through other organizations.
The statement is limited to 3 pages. The statement should NOT be a letter of recommendation. While it may describe the applicant's research achievements and future research goals and how they align with those of the sponsoring scientist, it may not include language evaluating the applicant or the applicant’s research program. It should not include any comparisons of the applicant with other researchers.
The statement must also include, at its beginning, the name, title, department, email address, and telephone number of the sponsoring scientist, as well as the address and telephone number of the sponsoring scientist's department at the host institution. The following template can be used to display that information:
Proposed Sponsoring Scientific Advisor:
E-mail address:
Proposed Fellowship Institution:
Organization name:
Last Updated: August 15, 2019