The NSF-Navy Civilian Service (NNCS) Fellowship-Scholarship Program is collaboration between the National Science Foundation and Department of the Navy (DoN) to develop domestic science and engineering talent with emphasis on enhancing interest in the Naval Research Enterprise (NRE). The program will form partnerships between university researchers and Navy R&D Centers. This program invites university PI’s who are currently supported by an NSF award from the Engineering (ENG) directorate, and who have grants from an Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT), Science and Technology Center (STC), Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Team (NIRT), or Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) to apply. NSF will be primarily responsible for administering the proposal processing, review and the post-award management of this program. The DoN will provide input on the selection of panelists for reviewing proposals. The DoN will be primarily responsible for administering the role of the Navy participants.
Program contacts
Potential PIs are encouraged to contact Dr. Deba Dutta, Acting Director, Division of Graduate Education, 703-292-7415) at NSF to discuss details of the program. Those seeking help with identifying potential Navy partners should contact Dr. Ernest McDuffie, Deputy Director, N-Star (, 703-696-6816) at ONR.
Debasish Dutta
| | (703) 292-8630 |
Ernest McDuffie Deputy Director N-STAR
| | (703) 696-6816 |