Special Biennial Competition in Biodiversity Surveys and Inventories
To accelerate the discovery and study of the world’s biodiversity, proposals are invited from teams of investigators to conduct a worldwide, species-level systematic inventory of a major group of organisms. Each project should conduct fieldwork necessary to fill gaps in existing collections, produce descriptions, taxonomic revisions, web-searchable databases, and interactive keys (or other automated identification tools) for all new and known species in the targeted group, analyze their phylogenetic relationships, and establish predictive classifications for the group. Proposals may target any particular group of organisms, from terrestrial, fresh-water, or marine habitats, at any feasible level in the taxonomic hierarchy, but must be global in scope.
Program contacts
Maureen Kearney
mkearney@nsf.gov | (703) 292-7187 | BIO/DEB |
Rafael O. de Sa
rdesa@nsf.gov | (703) 292-7836 | |
Timothy Collins
tcollins@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4763 | |
Susan L. Perkins
sperkins@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4821 |