Experimental Physical Chemistry
Supports experimental research directed at the molecular level of understanding of the physical properties of chemical systems. Experimental methodologies employed include frequency domain and time domain spectroscopic techniques covering the entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum, time-resolved dynamical studies of state-selected and mass-selected systems, and reactive scattering in molecular beams. Chemical systems studied range from single isolated molecules or ions to clusters, liquids, and solids. Chemical properties of interest include molecular structure and the shape of the ground and excited electronic-state potential energy surfaces, chemical dynamics of unimolecular and bimolecular chemical processes, time-resolved internal energy redistribution and state-to-state dynamics in molecular systems, and solute/solvent interactions in clusters and liquids. The program has links to other programs within NSF that support chemistry research, including Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Physics Division, MPS Directorate); Biophysics (Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Division, BIO Directorate); Atmospheric Chemistry (Atmospheric Sciences Division, GEO Directorate); and various programs in the Materials Research Division (MPS Directorate).
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Supports the development of theoretical and computational methods for chemical problems. Methods of special interest include, but are not limited to, electronic structure techniques, statistical mechanics, molecular dynamics, and simulation methods for molecular or supramolecular systems. Areas of application span the full range of chemical systems from small molecules to macromolecules and degrees of aggregation from single molecules or small clusters to macroscopic systems. While application areas may involve any chemical system, including biological systems or materials, the goal of the program is to support the development of new theoretical and computational methodologies that will be broadly applicable to a range of chemical problems. The program has links to other programs within NSF that support chemistry research, including Physics (Physics Division, MPS Directorate); Condensed Matter and Materials Theory (Materials Research Division, MPS Directorate); and Biology (especially the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Division, BIO Directorate).
Program contacts
Tanja Pietrass Program Officer
| | (703) 292-2170 | |
Evelyn Goldfield
| | (703) 292-2173 | |
Colby A. Foss
| | (703) 292-8404 | MPS/CHE |