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Discovery Files
The 50 largest neurons of the adult fruit fly brain connectome.
Flip a switch on the wall, and it turns on a light across the room through a simple circuit. Now add 140,000 other switches and try and figure out…
Discovery Files
AI-generated graphic representation of digital screen showing replica of human kidney system
The U.S. National Science Foundation, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has…
Discovery Files
abstract visual
An avulsion is a river term referring to the rapid abandonment of a channel and the formation of a new one, often resulting in devastating flooding…
Discovery Files
Cave diver collects underwater calcite encrustations for the study.
When did humans colonize the western Mediterranean? New U.S. National Science Foundation -supported research shows that it may be much earlier than…
Discovery Files
a group of 8 people that received awards wearing suits
All three research projects that received the 2024 Golden Goose Award celebrating the wide-ranging impact of federally funded research that has led to…
Discovery Files
A field of crops with a blue sky in the background
How plants balance carbon dioxide intake with water loss in the face of rising temperatures has implications for water use in agriculture and the…
NSF News
NSF Global Centers FY24 News Article Hero Banner
The U.S. National Science Foundation and partner agencies in the U.S., Canada, Finland, Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and the United Kingdom…
NSF News
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"On behalf of the U.S. National Science Foundation, I extend my warmest congratulations to NSB Board Member Keivan Guadalupe Stassun on receiving the…
NSF News
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The Network Coordination Hub for the National Network for Microelectronics Education will establish and operate regional nodes to offer consistent…
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