Alexander Wynnyk

Personnel summary

Deputy Division Director

Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management (BFA) Division of Institution and Award Support (DIAS)

Contact information

  • Phone (703) 292-8230
  • Direct (703) 292-4472
  • Room E 6346



Mr. Wynnyk is the Deputy Division Director. 

Prior to assuming the Deputy Division Director position, Alex served as Staff Associate for Oversight. As Staff Associate he applied his subject matter expertise to ensuring compliance of NSF investments with federal cost principles, as well as applicable federal and NSF regulations, policies and procedures. 

Prior to assuming the Staff Associate for Oversight position, Alex served as the Branch Chief for CAAR. His primary responsibilities included oversight of 16 highly skilled analysts in the conduct of indirect cost rate negotiations, pre-award review, audit resolution, post award monitoring and oversight, and follow-up activities. His Branch provides financial and other analytical advice to various NSF divisions, as well as awardees and prospective awardee organizations.

Mr. Wynnyk joined the staff of the Foundation's Division of Financial Management (DFM) in April 1992. The majority of his eight-year tenure in DFM was spent in the Institution Ledger Section as an Operating Accountant. In 1999, he was detailed to CAAR as a Cost Analyst and soon after accepted a permanent position with that organization. He was promoted to Team Lead for Audit Resolution in 2004.

In addition to Mr. Wynnyk's DIAS responsibilities, he volunteers time to assist other NSF-related organizations. He sits on the Board of the Partnership Federal Credit Union and has held the position of Treasurer for several years. He is also Co-chair of the National Science Foundation Physical Fitness Facility Committee and has been involved with the Fitness Facility for many years.

Mr. Wynnyk earned a B.A. in Business Administration from Salisbury State University.  Mr. Wynnyk is currently enrolled in the CFO Leadership Certificate Program at the National Defense University and is pursuing a Master's Degree. 

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