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TIP Investments pilot user guide

The U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (NSF TIP) launched the TIP Investments pilot, featuring a map and award data, to showcase the scale and impact of TIP's investments key technology areas across the nation. The TIP Investments pilot uses Elsevier's Pure platform, a research information management system that leverages open access data repositories to show the organizations, including startups and small businesses, as well as the principal investigators who are advancing the TIP portfolio. The tool illustrates the impact of NSF's investments across 10 key technology areas. Data in the visualization is pulled from the public NSF award search and categorized into key technology areas with machine learning. 

Through the TIP Investments pilot, NSF invites users to access a comprehensive one-stop hub, showcasing the outcomes and impacts generated by TIP’s investments over time and evolving into a dynamic platform that fosters partnerships and helps create technologies, solutions, products and services rooted in the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs. Over time, NSF TIP will add more features and data to the platform.

What is included

  • The TIP Investments pilot includes both awards and research contracts that are managed by TIP since August 2022. It does not include other NSF awards or supplemental funding from TIP to other NSF directorates or programs.
  • It includes R&D awards and contracts active starting in Fiscal Year 2022 to present. Users may not see all NSF Convergence Accelerator track awards since many of those awards were completed prior to this timeframe.
  • Data on awards are from NSF’s public award search and are updated daily, with a two-day delay from the award publication date. 
  • Researcher profile information is provided by Elsevier and new profiles are updated weekly.

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TIP Investments Pilot

Quick Start Guide

Awards by Key Technology Area

Awards by Programs

  • The TIP Investments map allows users to filter awards by Active Fiscal Year, EPSCoR status, and Current Active Status.
  • Each point on the map represents one organization receiving award(s)/contract(s). 
  • Clusters with numbers represent the number of awards/grants at an organization.
  • Please note that awards and contracts may be tagged with multiple key technology areas and the number displayed includes duplicates.  
  • The investment/funding amount is “Total Intended Award Amount.”  
  • The dollar amount should not be used to calculate the budget. Some awards are continuing grants and it may appear as though NSF is investing more or less in a given year. Please contact for more information about the budget. 
  • Switching between viewing the map by Key Technology Area to TIP Program, or vice versa, requires that any filters that were applied before changing the view must be re-applied.

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