About this event
Lecturer: Michael Caloyannides, Senior Fellow at Mitretek Systems
We all trust our computers with information that others have entrusted us with, and with information that, in years past, we did not even commit to paper, such as casual email. Additionally, Internet connectivity results in unsolicited inappropriate material ending up in our hard drives through others' hackings, through unsolicited email attachments that we rarely overwrite, through typos or URL hijacking that take us to the wrong web sites, etc.
The last thing we want is to have such confidential, proprietary, or otherwise sensitive data be retrieved by others, or be taken out of context and used against us when we resell or donate our computers, or when our computers are subpoenaed in legal proceedings -an increasingly common occurrence these days. Dr. Michael Caloyannides of Mitretek Systems will describe some of the nooks and crannies in which information may be hiding on your PC and how difficult -if not practically impossible- it is to clean it out.
About the Lecturer:
Michael Caloyannides is a Senior Fellow with Mitretek Systems, concentrating on information security issues. He obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Philosophy from Caltech in 1972. For the next 13 years he was senior scientist at Rockwell International, followed by another 14 years as senior scientist at CIA where he was awarded the Scientist of the Year award as well as numerous Certificates of Exceptional Accomplishment. In addition to numerous technical papers, he has recently published two books on computer forensics and privacy. He is an Associate Editor and columnist for an upcoming new IEEE magazine on computer security and privacy. On his free time he consults with NASA on deep space exploration proposals, and was recently foolish enough to scuba dive surrounded by photogenic French Polynesian sharks that he videotaped.
**The Information Science Institute of the University of Southern California has also agreed to provide a downloadable version of this presentation.
** The downloadable link will be made available shortly after the presentation **
Webcast Link
*Alternate Link, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser location bar http://www.ngi-supernet.org/conferences.html
In order to view this Webcast, you must have RealPlayer installed on your computer. For more information on Realplayer, check out Real.com or click on the links below to download the player.
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We all trust our computers with information that others have entrusted us with, and with information that, in years past, we did not even commit to paper, such as casual email. Additionally, Internet connectivity results in unsolicited inappropriate material ending up in our hard drives through others' hackings, through unsolicited email attachments that we rarely overwrite, through typos or URL hijacking that take us to the wrong web sites, etc.
The last thing we want is to have such confidential, proprietary, or otherwise sensitive data be retrieved by others, or be taken out of context and used against us when we resell or donate our computers, or when our computers are subpoenaed in legal proceedings -an increasingly common occurrence these days. Dr. Michael Caloyannides of Mitretek Systems will describe some of the nooks and crannies in which information may be hiding on your PC and how difficult -if not practically impossible- it is to clean it out.
About the Lecturer:
Michael Caloyannides is a Senior Fellow with Mitretek Systems, concentrating on information security issues. He obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Philosophy from Caltech in 1972. For the next 13 years he was senior scientist at Rockwell International, followed by another 14 years as senior scientist at CIA where he was awarded the Scientist of the Year award as well as numerous Certificates of Exceptional Accomplishment. In addition to numerous technical papers, he has recently published two books on computer forensics and privacy. He is an Associate Editor and columnist for an upcoming new IEEE magazine on computer security and privacy. On his free time he consults with NASA on deep space exploration proposals, and was recently foolish enough to scuba dive surrounded by photogenic French Polynesian sharks that he videotaped.
**The Information Science Institute of the University of Southern California has also agreed to provide a downloadable version of this presentation.
** The downloadable link will be made available shortly after the presentation **
Webcast Link
*Alternate Link, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser location bar http://www.ngi-supernet.org/conferences.html
In order to view this Webcast, you must have RealPlayer installed on your computer. For more information on Realplayer, check out Real.com or click on the links below to download the player.
You can download and install the FREE version of RealPlayer 8 Basic from Download.com: Macintosh | Windows (All versions)