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Event ended Conferences and workshops

CISE CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop

About this event

The CISE Directorate at NSF will host a one-day workshop on writing proposals for the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program.  The workshop will be held on March 16, 2015 at the Hilton Arlington (950 N Stafford St., Arlington, VA),  less than a block away from the National Science Foundation. The goal of this workshop is to introduce junior CAREER-eligible faculty to the NSF CAREER program, and help them prepare their CAREER proposals to target programs within the CISE Directorate in NSF. Attendees will have the opportunity to improve their skills in proposal writing, as well as interact with NSF program directors from different CISE divisions (ACI, CCF, CNS, and IIS) and recent NSF CAREER awardees. The workshop includes presentations and discussions on proposal preparation, experience sharing, and a mock panel as well as meetings with Program Directors from various research programs within CISE. In order to attend this event, registration is required before February 20th, 2015.

More information can be found at http://csl.seas.gwu.edu/nsf-cise-career/

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