About the series
Program directors from across CISE will host a 90-minute webinar to provide the CISE community with information about the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) and answer questions. The solicitation may be found on the NSF website: https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf21591
All are invited to attend.
The NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) seeks to award grants intended to support research independence among early-career academicians who specifically lack access to adequate organizational or other resources. It is expected that funds obtained through this program will be used to support untenured faculty or research scientists (or equivalent) in their first three years in a primary academic position after the Ph.D., but not more than six years after completion of their Ph.D. for proposals submitted in 2021, and not more than five years after completion of their Ph.D. for proposals submitted after 2021. Applicants for this program may not yet have received any other grants or contracts in the PI role from any department, agency, or institution of the federal government, including from the CAREER program or any other program, post-PhD, regardless of the size of the grant or contract, with certain exceptions as noted below. Serving as co-PI, Senior Personnel, Postdoctoral Fellow, or other Fellow does not count against this eligibility rule.
Importantly, the CRII program seeks to provide essential resources to enable early-career PIs to launch their research careers. For the purposes of this program, CISE defines "essential resources" as sufficient funds for 48 months of graduate student support. Faculty at undergraduate and two-year institutions may use funds to support undergraduate students, and may optionally use the additional RUI designation (which requires the inclusion of an RUI Certification and RUI Impact Statement) -- see https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5518 for additional information. In addition, submissions from all institutions may use funds for PI salary, postdoctoral scholars, travel, and/or research equipment.
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