About the series
The CNS core program deals with all aspects of computer and network systems. Society's reliance on such systems as infrastructure has grown dramatically in the last decade. At the same time, both the resources from which those systems are built—compute, storage, communication networks, and software—and the way those resources are organized and distributed, have continued to evolve rapidly.
Current and future systems need to satisfy various requirements, both generic and purpose-driven. General system requirements include security, reliability, manageability, usability, and sustainability, as well as cost-effectiveness and fitness for purpose. Depending on the context, other requirements may include performance, privacy-preservation, scalability, responsiveness, and survivability.
CNS solicits innovative research that considers technology trends and emerging challenges, while emphasizing a systems focus and awareness of the types of requirements mentioned above. This solicitation recognizes the interdependency and blurring of boundaries among computing, storage, and networking (sub)systems and the research associated with them. As such, specific sub-programs are not called out. It is not the intent to limit the scope of the program, compared to previous solicitations. Rather, the intent is to encourage cross-fertilization among areas of CNS research.
This webinar will cover the CNS core program solicitation, NSF 18-569, submission requirements and program updates.
To participate in the webinar, please register at: https://nsf2.webex.com/nsf2/onstage/g.php?MTID=e8f585ddca7645d297ad08838864f2b7a
by 11:59pm EDT on Tuesday July 31, 2018.
After your registration is accepted, you will receive an email with a URL to join the meeting. Please be sure to join a few minutes before the start of the webinar. This system does not establish a voice connection on your computer; instead, your acceptance message will have an operator assisted toll-free phone number that you will be prompted to call after joining. Please note that this registration is a manual process; therefore, do not expect an immediate acceptance. In the event the number of requests exceeds the capacity, some requests may have to be denied.
The webinar presentation, audio file and transcript will be available below under "Public Attachments" after the webinar has concluded.