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Event ended Lectures

Computing Infrastructure for the 21st-Century: Time to Go Long and Go Deep

About this event

Lecturer: Dr. Dan Reed, NCSA

A new infrastructure for computational science is emerging that promises to transform the way science and engineering research are conducted. Based on commodity processors, open source software, inexpensive storage devices, high bandwidth networks, computational Grids are connecting distributed scientific instruments, computing systems, and collaborative groups. This talk focuses on three issues: (a) the evolving software infrastructure needed to support distributed Grid applications, (b) the computational infrastructure behind the NSF TeraGrid and its future evolution, and (c) science and engineering applications, current and future, that will exploit large-scale Grids. We will conclude with some thoughts on the long-term future of scientific computing infrastructure and its deep integration with the fabric of science and society.

Daniel A. Reed, Gutgsell Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is the director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the National Computational Science Alliance (Alliance).

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