About this event
The new CSSI solicitation (Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation) NSF 20-592 is now released with a submission deadline of October 28, 2020. This solicitation continues the CSSI program’s emphasis on integrated cyberinfrastructure services while also recognizing the importance of adaptation to the evolving research community needs as well as the continuing evolution of the computing landscape. Among the changes reflected by the new solicitation, the priorities for the collaborating NSF directorates and divisions has been updated for 2021. PIs are strongly encouraged to contact program officer(s) from the list of Cognizant Program Officers in the division(s) that typically support the scientists and engineers who would make use of the proposed work, to gain insight into the priorities for the relevant areas of science and engineering to which their proposals may be responsive. Proposals may now include requests for cloud computing resources through an external cloud access entity supported by NSF’s Enabling Access to Cloud Computing Resources for CISE Research and Education (Cloud Access) Program. Three project themes have been introduced, along with a grouping and clarification of the expected specific items in CSSI proposals.
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