About this event
Speaker Bio:
Jodi Forlizzi is the Herbert A. Simon Professor of Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. She is also a Faculty Lead in Responsible AI in the Block Center for Technology and Society and the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the School of Computer Science. Jodi has advocated for design research in all forms, mentoring peers, colleagues, and students in its structure and execution, and today it is an important part of the HCI community. Jodi studies the ethical impacts of human interaction with AI systems in front-line service industries including healthcare and hospitality. She also develops methods and tools to ensure that product developers can mitigate ethical harms and bias during product development. She recently testified to the US Senate in one an AI Innovation Briefing and collaborates closely with the AFL-CIO Tech Institute.
Talk Abstract:
What we design is changing; therefore, how we design is also changing. In this talk, I will set the context for the role of design in creating purposeful and pragmatic technology, both historically and today. I will then highlight some of our research showing the impact of design in creating, developing, and deploying AI and autonomous systems, with the goal of creating better social systems, better economic relations, and a better world in which to live.
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