Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Q&As and information sessions

EHR listening session on the potential for online learning environments

About this event

Save the date: January 29, 2021 (11:00 am - 2:00 pm, EST)

The National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources invites your participation in a listening session providing an opportunity to stimulate discussion with respect to the potential for online learning environments (e.g., distance learning tools, virtual laboratories, access to museum exhibits and other out-of-school STEM education resources) to change the organization of STEM education. It is not intended to make recommendations to NSF.

Connect to the Virtual Meeting:

The listening session will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Pre-registration is required for this event. Please pre-register at: https://ida-org.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIsceyrrDguHFlUbZR2dM1Zcn6MqxieUic

A Zoom meeting link and password will be sent to you after your registration is confirmed.

Meeting Type
Virtual Listening Session

Hosted by all four EHR divisions: DGE, DRL, DUE, and HRD