Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

Engineering for Civil Infrastructure (ECI) Office Hours

About the series

Join the Engineering for Civil Infrastructure (ECI) program on Wednesday, May 31, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern Time to learn about ECI new and continuing funding opportunities. The ECI program is a core, unsolicited research program in the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation, in the NSF Directorate for Engineering.

During the webinar, Program Directors will discuss the details of CAREER and ERI proposal submissions. There will be a short presentation, followed by an open Q&A session.

Please register for the webinar in advance.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing details about joining the webinar. Real-time captions will be available in Zoom. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate in the webinar, please email rarequest@nsf.gov in advance.

Past events in this series