Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Conferences and workshops

Formal Methods in the Field (FMitF) PI Meeting

About the series

Formal Methods in the Field PI Meeting

November 14-15, 2022

Program Directors, Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate
Pavithra Prabhakar (CCF), Anindya Banerjee (CCF), Damian Dechev (CCF), Daniela Oliveira
(CNS), Jason Hallstrom (CNS), Alhussein Abouzeid (CNS), Dan Cosley (IIS), Wei Ding (IIS)

Goals of the PI Meeting:

  • Learn about other projects
  • Cross fertilization of ideas
  • Identify challenges and next steps for broader adoption of formal methods

Past events in this series