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Series ended Webcast

NSF CS Education Programs Office Hours

About the series

NSF program officers from the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and STEM Education (EDU) directorates are holding virtual office hours to answer questions and provide additional insights into several NSF programs that support CS education and broadening participation in CS. 

Virtual office hours will be held on: 

Monday, March 25: 3-4pm ET 

Program Officer: Allyson Kennedy (CISE/EWF) 

Programs Covered: CSforAll, BPC, RET 

Zoom: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/16182820235?pwd=alZ6MWhnbmNkTlFIY3VBaUpVenhOdz09 


Thursday, March 28: 1-2pm ET 

Program Officer: Juan Jenny Li (CISE/OAC) 

Programs Covered: NAIRR Classroom, CRII, CAREER, OAC CORE, CyberTraining,SCIPE 

Zoom: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1600532226?pwd=SWpzcVpiQVNrc0U3cWVnZXlmd3drZz09&from=addon 


Thursday, March 28: 3-4pm ET  

Program Officer: Jeff Forbes (CISE/EWF) 

Programs Covered: IUSE: CUE, BPC, CSforAll, Computing Education-related CAREER and CRII  

Zoom: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/16168797402?pwd=cExQb1pTZXdHZUwxaWtnVmk1aGhDUT09 


Friday, March 29: 1 – 2 pm ET  

Program Officer: Jill Denner (CISE/EWF) 

Programs Covered: CISE REU, CSGrad4US 

Zoom: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1617369396?pwd=ZWVQ

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