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Event ended Lectures

Health Information Privacy

About this event

Lecturer: Giuseppe Ateniese, Assistant Professor at John Hopkins University

The experience of providing or receiving medical care has a very personal dimension. Quoted from the Hippocratic oath: "Whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my dealings with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets". The 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) required the Administration to issue regulations protecting the privacy of health information. Such a regulation gives consumers the right to see, copy, and correct their own health information and the right of being notified as to how their health information is going to be used and shared. It also imposes new restrictions on those who hold health information.

However, legal protection alone is not enough as it can only be applied after the problem has occurred, when the damage has already been caused. Moreover, law enforcement is usually expensive, slow, and complex.

This talk introduces the MIPA project along with new cryptographic techniques that can be used to allow patients to interact anonymously with several organizations. The goal of the MIPA project is to design a comprehensive technical infrastructure that guarantees the enforcement of health information privacy protection. The problem of data protection and privacy is addressed on a technical level, thus preventing any violation of a privacy policy in advance rather than correcting it after it has occurred. The intent of the project is to demonstrate that health information privacy solutions can be designed to achieve meaningful benefits without penalizing society with undue financial burdens or worse, with the compromise of public safety.

About the Lecturer:
Giuseppe Ateniese is Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Johns Hopkins University (JHU). His research interests include network security, secure and reliable systems, applied cryptography and secure e-commerce. He received a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Salerno (Italy) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Genoa (Italy) in February 2000. Before joining JHU, he was visiting scientist at the Information Sciences Institute (University of Southern California) and researcher at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory. He is member of several organizations (ACM, IEEE, IACR) and a recipient of an NSF CAREER Award. He is currently the PI of two NSF-funded projects, one focuses on medical privacy and the other on securing the Domain Name System (DNS).

**The Information Science Institute of the University of Southern California has also agreed to provide a downloadable version of this presentation. **

** The downloadable link will be made available shortly after the presentation **

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