About the series
Welcome to the IIS Office Hours: Let’s talk about the Smart and Connected Communities Program (NSF 22-529)
Hosts for this office hour:
Vishal Sharma, Program Director (CISE/CNS)
Raj Acharya, Program Director (CISE/IIS)
During this office hour, the focus will be on the Smart and Connected Communities program (NSF 22-529). Program directors from the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Engineering (ENG) Directorate at NSF will introduce the program and take your questions as they relate to Information and Intelligent System (IIS) research in the S&CC programs.
The IIS Office Hours are for researchers interested in learning about programs and policies in the Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate (CISE) at NSF. Office Hours are designed to give current and potential investigators a window into IIS and other Directorate partners. Attendance at office hours is voluntary and designed to help investigators gain information that can help them strengthen their proposals. Sessions will be closed-captioned.
Please note that the office hours are designed to answer questions for a broad range of researchers and not inquiries about specific proposals. If you would like to talk to about a specific proposal you are considering submitting or which was already reviewed, please email the relevant program. This will connect you with program officers with whom you can ask questions.
Smart and Connected Communities
Vishal Sharma, Program Lead, vsharma@nsf.gov
Raj Acharya, IIS Program Lead, racharya@nsf.gov
Register in advance for this webinar: