About the series
You are cordially invited to join a Virtual Office Hour with National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) Program Directors about the Dear Colleague Letter (DCL; NSF 24-072) requesting information on future directions for developing the geoscience workforce, specifically updating the GEOPAths Program.
As the GEOPAths program approaches its ten-year anniversary, GEO is seeking input from the community on needs that can be addressed by the next iteration of the program. The information will help inform future directions for developing the geoscience workforce and an update of GEOPAths—the Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences program (NSF23-540).
LINK: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1601716007?pwd=NGhZQ2IvTWVWRnc0cm5KUXFVWXg1QT09
Meeting ID: 160 171 6007
Passcode: 440482
Program experts will provide a brief overview of the request-for-information process followed by an opportunity for discussion.
No Registration Required. Log into the provided Zoom link at the meeting start time to participate.
Questions? Contact the GEOPAths program.