Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Conferences and workshops

New Horizons in Language Science Workshop

About the series

Large language models are remarkably successful as technological tools, and pose challenges and opportunities for the scientific study of natural language in the human mind and brain. This workshop presented talks, commentary, and discussion dedicated to the following three themes:

  • What insights do large language models provide for the study of human language?
  • What insights does the study of human language provide for large language model development?
  • What key future scientific opportunities lie at the interface between the study of human language and large language model development?

This workshop, co-sponsored by the Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence Program as well as the Linguistics Program in BCS, and the Robust Intelligence Program in CISE, explored recent advances, open questions, challenges, and opportunities in the large language models rapidly advancing landscape. Online participants posed questions and engaged in discussions which will form part of the collected materials to inform a subsequent written report to help guide the future of research in language science.

View the workshop schedule and list of speakers on the event website. These talks were recorded and will be available for public access (link coming soon).



Past events in this series