About the series
This event has concluded. The recording, transcript, and slides can be viewed under "Additional Resources."
Join the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) at the National Science Foundation for our next virtual office hour.
For alerts on future virtual office hours, please subscribe to the MCB Blog.
This VOH was held on Wednesday, March 8 from 2-3pm ET. The topic was “New MCB Solicitation for Core Programs (NSF 23-548)”.
Presentation outline
- MCB Blog posts upcoming topics, opportunities and recordings of past office hour presentations: https://mcbblog.nsfbio.com/
- Find recent BIO funding opportunities
- To learn about more opportunities and resources, visit NSF National Synthesis Center for Emergence in the Molecular and Cellular Sciences webpage: https://ncems.psu.edu/
NSF and MCB Strategic Goals
- Empower STEM talent to fully participate in science and engineering
- Discover new knowledge by advancing research frontiers and enhancing research capability
- Impact society through translation of knowledge to solutions
MCB Core Program Priorities
MCB supports research that yields mechanistic insights into fundamental and emergent properties of living systems and leads to a quantitative and predictive understanding of how life works at the molecular, subcellular, and cellular scales.
Priority research qualities:
- Explore new concepts
- Exploit experimental and theoretical approaches to solve new/long-standing questions
- Incorporate insights and approaches from other disciplines (e.g., chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics), to illuminate molecular and cellular principles and processes governing life
- Utilize a diverse spectrum of model and non-model animals, plants, and microbes
Also welcome:
- Use-inspired research with the potential to address major societal challenges
- Projects that pursue potentially transformative ideas, even if higher risk
MCB Core Program Priorities
In line with NSF’s strategic goal of empowering STEM talent to fully participate in science and engineering, MCB values:
- Broadening participation through efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion of individuals traditionally underrepresented in STEM, and build capacity in diverse types of institutions (MSIs, PUIs, 2-year colleges, institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions – in addition to R1 institutions).
Examples of such efforts include, but are not limited to:
- Involvement of diverse students, post-doctoral scholars, senior personnel
- Collaborations and partnerships across diverse geographies and types of institutions
New Guidance: Support for Education and Broadening Participation Activities
- Support should be requested at the time of proposal submission
- Post-award supplemental funding requests for these activities should be for unanticipated opportunities that arise after an award is made.
- Typical total budgets are:
- RAHSS = $6,000 per high school student
- RET = usually less than $15,000 per schoolteacher
- REU = $7,000 - $9,000 per undergraduate student
- REPS = $650 per week over 12 months, plus fringe benefits and travel per postbaccalaureate student
- INTERN = maximum $55,000 per graduate student per 6-month period
- ROA = usually less than $15,000 per faculty member
MCB by the Numbers (FY 2022)
- Research budget of $154.5 million
- Approximately 690 proposals evaluated with an average decision time of 5 months
- Success rate ~34 %
- 233 Awards funded by MCB
- Median award size of ~$230 K/year
- Award duration of 2-5 years
No deadline for submitting proposals to core programs
MCB Core Clusters
MCB comprises four Core Clusters organized by disciplines/thematic areas:
- Molecular Biophysics
- Genetic Mechanisms
- Cellular Dynamics and Function
- Systems and Synthetic Biology
All four clusters prioritize projects that:
- Integrate across spatiotemporal scales
- Investigate molecular and cellular evolution
- Synergize experimental research with computational or mathematical modeling
- Develop innovative, broadly applicable methods and technologies for new avenues of inquiry
Molecular Biophysics
Supports computational and experimental research on the structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules, supramolecular assemblies and their interactions.
The program prioritizes studies that:
- Utilize experimental and computational approaches synergistically
- Relate to physiological conditions
The following areas are of particular interest:
- Large-scale computations that incorporate experimental constraints
- Biomolecular folding and dynamics on multiple timescales exploring molecular recognition, function, and allostery
- Structure, dynamics, assembly, and interactions of macromolecular complexes in membrane-bound or membrane-less environments
- Understanding biophysical principles that permit life at the extremes
- Quantum phenomena in biological systems or using quantum devices to investigate biological problems
- Development of innovative experimental tools or techniques at the frontiers of biophysics
Genetic Mechanisms
Supports research on fundamental mechanisms involved in the organization, dynamics, processing, expression, regulation and evolution of genetic and epigenetic information in diverse organisms.
The program is interested in predictive understanding of:
- Spatiotemporal coordination and regulation of processes that maintain, replicate, transcribe, and translate the genome
- Relationships between genomic and epigenomic determinants and molecular/cellular phenotypes
- Transcriptomic, epitranscriptomic, and other RNA-based regulatory mechanisms
- Structure-function relationships, interactions, and reactions of macromolecules in genetic and epigenetic processes
- Mechanisms of evolution of genes and genomes
The development of novel technological solutions to these challenges is encouraged.
Cellular Dynamics and Function
Supports interdisciplinary research aimed at mechanistic understanding of the structure, function and evolution of cellular and subcellular systems across the tree of life.
The following areas are of particular interest:
- Predictive understanding of cellular behavior through the integration of computational modeling and experimentation
- Evolutionary approaches to understanding the rules governing cellular functions
- Integration of structure and function with emerging cellular properties across broad spatiotemporal scales, including cellular organization through soft condensed matter
- Development or adaption of innovative tools or technologies to enable new cellular research
Systems and Synthetic Biology
Supports research that employs systems biology or synthetic biology approaches to understand molecular and cellular mechanisms in established, new, or emerging model systems.
The following areas are of particular interest:
- Molecular to system-wide events driving assembly, function, and emergent properties of natural and synthetic microbial communities
- Functional modules for synthetic cells or cell-like systems
- Origins of life and the minimal cell
- Synthetic systems that explore biological diversity beyond current living systems
- Synthetic systems employing epigenetic regulation
- Biological information storage and processing
- Integration of multi-omics data for mechanistic insights
- Mechanistic modeling of gene regulatory control, signaling and metabolic networks, and interactions among networks
- Development of novel experimental, computational, or mathematical tools to advance systems or synthetic biology
Does “Use-Inspired” Include Medical Research?
- Biological research on mechanisms of disease in humans, including on the etiology, diagnosis, or treatment of disease or disorder, is normally not supported.
- Biological research to develop animal models of such conditions, or the development or testing of procedures for their treatment, also are not normally eligible for support.
- However, use-inspired basic research with societal benefits (such as future implications for human health) can be supported.
- Contact a Program Director! (send ~1-pg summary)
- For example, research on:
- Mechanisms of DNA damage and repair is a YES, but DNA repair pathway/enzyme as drug target is NO
- Fundamental questions about viral structure, replication, evolution, etc. is a YES, but therapeutic interventions against infection is NO
- Mechanisms underlying cell motility is a YES, but metastasis of tumor cells is NO
See NSF Proposal & Award Policies and Preparation Guide (PAPPG 24-1) for more information.
What about Medical Research?
- Biological research on mechanisms of disease in humans, including on the etiology, diagnosis, or treatment of disease or disorder, is normally not supported.
- Biological research to develop animal models of such conditions, or the development or testing of procedures for their treatment, also are not normally eligible for support.
- However, use-inspired basic research with societal benefits (such as future implications for human health) can be supported.
- For example, research on:
- Mechanisms of DNA damage and repair is a YES, but DNA repair pathway/enzyme as drug target is NO.
- Fundamental questions about viral structure, replication, evolution, etc. is a YES, but therapeutic interventions against infection is NO
- Mechanisms underlying cell motility is a YES, but metastasis of tumor cells is NO
How does MCB Support Interdisciplinary Research?
(MCB) supports research that examines the fundamental properties of living systems, ranging from molecules and genes to cells and organisms to more complex living systems.
Integrative Research in Biology (IntBIO) Track
Support for collaborative proposals that tackle bold questions requiring an integrated approach across subdisciplines of biology to advance fundamental understanding of biological systems across different scales of organization.
Special requirements for proposals:
- Two or more investigators with diverse perspectives and expertise
- Graphical illustration of the integrative strategy
- Integrative training and education plan (part of broader impacts)
- Title must start with “IntBIO:”
Experimental strategies, modeling, integrative analysis, advanced computation, or other research approaches are encouraged to stimulate new discovery and general theory in biology.
Contact a Program Director to determine suitability for IntBIO track.
Other Opportunities for Cross-disciplinary MCB Research
Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate
- Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP) - CLP supports fundamental experimental and computational studies at the interface of chemistry and biology.
- Physics of Living Systems (PoLS) - PoLS supports research on basic physical principles that underlie biological function in dynamic and diverse environments.
- Mathematical Biology (MathBio) - MathBio supports research in areas of applied and computational mathematics with relevance to the biological sciences.
Engineering Directorate
- Engineering Biology and Health (EBH) - EBH supports research in areas that intersect with molecular and cellular biosciences, including Biosensing; Biophotonics; Cellular and Biochemical Engineering.
Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate
- Foundations of Emerging Technologies (FET) - FET supports research at the intersections of biology and computer science.
Two DCLs: Bioinspired Design Research & Development across NSF
NSF 23-055: Bioinspired Design Collaborations to Accelerate the Discovery-Translation Process (BioDesign)
- Encourage early-stage, transdisciplinary collaboration of two or more investigators in biological and engineering sciences with the potential for bioinspired design applications, and
- Accelerate translation of research findings into projects with potential societal and economic impacts that could be ready for commercialization.
- Participating Directorates and Programs: BIO (IOS, MCB); ENG (CBE, CMMI); TIP (TI)
NSF 23-066: Convergence Accelerator (TIP)– Track M: Bioinspired Design Innovations
Convergence Accelerator funds cross-disciplinary teams through a 2-phase process – (i) team convergence & proof of-concept development and (ii) prototyping & sustainability planning to deliver impactful solutions to societal needs.
- Inform the community of an upcoming funding opportunity for Bioinspired Design Innovations, which aims to bring together scientists and practitioners to develop concepts, approaches, and technologies that build and control like nature does – capitalizing on evolution to find novel solutions to major societal challenges.
DCLs: Opportunities for International Collaboration
NSF 20-094: NSF-US-Israel Binational Foundation Collaborative Research (across NSF)
- For MCB: Basic research at molecular, subcellular or cellular level aligned with core program priorities.
- Integrated collaborative effort that aligns with both NSF merit review criteria.
- No deadlines for BIO proposals.
NSF 22-107: NSF/BIO - UK Research and Innovation (BBSRC) Collaborative Research (select topics)
- 2022-2023 topics: Biological Informatics; Host-Microbe Interactions; Synthetic Cells and Cellular Systems (MCB); Synthetic Microbial Communities (MCB).
- Deadline for BBSRC was in February. Contact NSF if interested.
NSF 22-129: NSF/MCB/PHY -French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) Collaborative Research (select topics)
- 2023 topic: Physics from Molecules to Cells.
- Deadlines apply for ANR.DCLs:
NSF 22-015: NSF/MCB -German DFG Lead Agency Opportunity
- Basic research at molecular, subcellular or cellular level aligned with MCB core program priorities.
- No deadlines.
NSF 23-049: NSF-Swiss NSF Lead Agency Opportunity (across NSF)
- For MCB: Basic research at molecular, subcellular or cellular level aligned with core program priorities.
- Expression of Interest form required.
- No deadlines for MCB proposals; deadlines apply for Swiss NSF.
NSF 22-056: Supplemental Funding for Collaborations between NSF and European Research Council Awardees
- Supports NSF awardees for research visits to appropriate ERC-funded European research group.
Other Types of Core MCB Proposals: EAGER, RAISE, RCN
- EAGER: EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research For pioneering work on untested but potentially transformative research ideas or approaches. Must demonstrate high risk/high reward. 2 yr/$300K. By invitation only (PAPPG II.F.3).
- RAISE: Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Supports bold, interdisciplinary research that promises transformational advances by combining approaches from multiple fields. 5 yr/$1M. By invitation of 2 program officers from distinct programs (PAPPG II.F.4).
- RCN: Research Coordination Networks For establishment and organization of networks of researchers spanning disciplinary, organization, geographical, or international boundaries. 5 yr/$500K maximum (with exceptions). Submit to most appropriate program (Solicitation NSF 23-529).
NSF 21-508: Transitions to Excellence in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Research (Transitions)
Support for mid-career or later-stage scientists to pursue exciting new avenues of inquiry and expand or transition their research toward greater impact. Special requirements for proposals:
- Prior accomplishments plan indicating strong foundation
- Professional development plan providing compelling goals, rationale and plan for moving research in new, potentially transformative, direction
- Research plan for continuing in new direction
- Department letter of support
- Letter from sabbatical host (optional)
- PI eligibility: Associate or Full professor
- Budget: $750 K total costs (up to 3 years, including sabbatical)
- Deadline: None
New PAPPG 23-1 is in Effect
NSF 23-1: Effective for proposals submitted or due on or after January 30, 2023. See the PAPPG for more information.
- Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-campus/Off-site Research: After April 18, 2023, BIO and GEO proposals that involve off-campus or off-site research must submit a plan for safe and inclusive research (PAPPG II.E.9). This requirement reflects NSF’s efforts to foster safe and harassment-free environments wherever science is conducted. More information can be found March 20th 3-4 pm webinar recording.
- Potential Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC): Proposals that could potentially be considered DURC or involve enhanced potential pandemic pathogens must self-identify and comply with US Govt. policy requirements (PAPPG II.E.6). Governed by policies released in 2014 and 2017.
- Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Statement: After October 23, 2023, biosketches and C&P statements must use SciENcv format (PAPPG II.D.2.h).
A summary of changes can be found at https://new.nsf.gov/policies/pappg/23-1/summary-changes.
Take-Home Messages
- MCB core programs have no deadlines – submit your proposal when ready
- MCB is receptive to high-risk projects with the potential for high-impact
- Plenty of mechanisms to support interdisciplinary research, including international collaborations
- Funding for education, outreach and broadening participation in STEM
- Support for PIs at different career stages
Contact the relevant Program Director to discuss your ideas. Send a 1-page summary of your research and broader impact plans (Tips for preparing summary)
When Should I Submit my Proposal?
The Biological Sciences Directorate has no deadlines for investigator-initiated research proposals
- Submit your proposal when you think it is ready.
- Panels are held periodically throughout the year to ensure timely review. Avg time to decision ~5 months
- Funding rates are held steady throughout the year.
- Review of proposals submitted in early summer may take ~2 months longer (due to fiscal year closeout activities).
- Some special programs do have deadlines (check the solicitation/DCL)
Check out the MCB Blog for more information: When should I submit my proposal?
NSF Organization: 8 Directorates and 2 Offices Fund Science
- Directorate for Biological Sciences
- Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering
- Directorate for Engineering
- Directorate for Geosciences
- Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
- Directorate for STEM Education
- Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships
- Office of Integrative Activities
- Office of International Science and Engineering
Core programs in MCB:
MCB maintains four core programs designed to supports quantitative and interdisciplinary approaches to deciphering the molecular underpinnings of complex living systems.
- Cellular Dynamics and Function
- Genetic Mechanisms
- Molecular Biophysics
- Systems and Synthetic Biology