About this event
The National Science Foundation Division of Ocean Science (OCE) will be holding office hours to answer questions about the solicitation (NSF 21-538). Details to attend the office hour over ZoomGov are below. Each office hours session will run for 1 hour. The office hours are intended to answer general questions. Questions that are very specific to your proposal are best sent to oce_prf@nsf.gov. Before the office hours, please review the solicitation (NSF 21-538).
The office hour will be held February 24th, 3:00 PM-4:00 PM EST.
The Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (PRF) program will provide opportunities for scientists early in their careers to work within and across traditional disciplinary lines, develop partnerships, and avail themselves of unique research resources, sites and facilities. The PRF is intended to provide beginning investigators of significant potential with experiences that will establish them in positions of leadership in the scientific community.