Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC): Research Core Program Webinar

About the series

The Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) supports translational research and education activities in all aspects of advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) that lead to deployable, scalable, and sustainable systems capable of transforming science and engineering research. Advanced CI includes the spectrum of computational, data, software, networking, and security resources, tools, and services, along with the computational and data skills and expertise, that individually and collectively can transform science and engineering. OAC supports advanced CI research to address new CI frontiers for discovery leading to major innovations, and supports the development and deployment processes, as well as expert services, necessary for realizing the research CI that is critical to the advancement of all areas of science and engineering research and education.

OAC research investments are characterized by their translational nature, i.e., building on basic research results and spanning the design to practice stages. They are further characterized by one or more of the following key attributes: multi-disciplinary, extreme-scale, driven by science and engineering research, end-to-end, and deployable as robust research CI. Areas of translational research supported by OAC include systems architecture and middleware for extreme-scale systems, scalable algorithms and applications, and the advanced CI ecosystem.

This webinar will cover the OAC core program solicitation, NSF 18-567, submission requirements and program updates.

To participate in the webinar, please register at:   https://nsf2.webex.com/nsf2/onstage/g.php?MTID=e18b1f392f8f79b6d6ef7c4521809180a

by 11:59pm EDT on Monday August 6, 2018.

After your registration is accepted, you will receive an email with a URL to join the meeting. Please be sure to join a few minutes before the start of the webinar. This system does not establish a voice connection on your computer; instead, your acceptance message will have an operator assisted toll-free phone number that you will be prompted to call after joining. Please note that this registration is a manual process; therefore, do not expect an immediate acceptance. In the event the number of requests exceeds the capacity, some requests may have to be denied.

The webinar presentation, audio file and transcript will be available below under "Public Attachments" after the webinar has concluded.



Past events in this series