Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP) program Virtual Office Hours

About the series

The NSF PIPP team is holding two Virtual Office Hours to answer questions and provide additional insight into the PIPP Phase I: Development Grant (NSF 21-590) solicitation. Our team of NSF program directors from CISE, BIO, ENG, and SBE will be present to answer any questions for this planning grant.


Virtual Office Hours are:

  • Thursday, September 2nd, at 2:00 pm EST
  • Friday, September 10th, at 3:00 pm EST


A one-page summary of your proposed work can also be sent to the PIPP team (PIPP@nsf.gov) for your individual feedback (note that individual feedbacks are not to be discussed in the office hours, but rather sent to the PIs directly). With the deadline rapidly approaching, we encourage the community to reach out to us both with your project summaries and questions, and by attending the office hours above.

Remember, proposals for PIPP phase I: Development Grants, are due on October 1st, 2021!


Please use this link to join us for the office hours:

Meeting URL: https://nsf.zoomgov.com/j/1616681112?pwd=dzE2bEc3aUYxeUVXT2R0RXA0b3loUT09

One tap mobile: US: +16692545252,1616681112# or +16468287666,1616681112#

Meeting ID: 161 668 1112
Passcode: 052311


Live captioning information for September 2nd Office hours:

At the start time of the event, please log in to your event by clicking on the link below:

Captions Event ID: 4882173


Live captioning information for September 10th Office hours:

At the start time of the event, please log in to your event by clicking on the link below:

Captions Event ID: 4882174


For frequently asked questions, workshop reports, and additional information please visit the PIPP program page: https://nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505908

Please send any questions or one-pagers to PIPP@nsf.gov.


The PIPP working group

Past events in this series