About the series
The goal of the Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) program solicitation is to support strongly interdisciplinary, integrative research and research capacity-building activities that will improve understanding of smart and connected communities and lead to discoveries that enable sustainable change to enhance community functioning. Unless stated otherwise, for the purposes of this year’s solicitation, communities are physical, geographically-defined entities, such as towns, cities, or incorporated rural areas, consisting of various populations, with a governance structure and the ability to engage in meaningful ways with the proposed research.
Successful S&CC projects are expected to pursue research and research capacity-building activities that integrate multiple disciplinary perspectives and undertake meaningful community engagement, and to include appropriate and robust evaluation plans for assessing activities and outcomes. To meet the multidisciplinary criterion, proposals must meaningfully integrate across both social and technological research dimensions. Successful proposals are also expected to include appropriate community engagement as defined further in the solicitation.
The S&CC program spans NSF’s Directorates for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE); Education and Human Resources (EHR); Engineering (ENG); Geosciences (GEO); and Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE).
This webinar will provide an overview of the S&CC program solicitation and help answer questions of prospective principal investigators (PIs).
To Join the Webinar:
Please register at: Unfortunately we have reached capacity. We will post the presentation, audio and transcript after the webinar concludes at https://www.nsf.gov/events/event_summ.jsp?cntn_id=190025&org=CISE.
Those already registered for the webinar are encouraged to coordinate with their colleagues, departments, and/or institutions to view the webinar in shared spaces.
Please be sure to join a few minutes before the start of the webinar. This system does not establish a voice connection on your computer; instead, you will have a toll-free phone number that you will be prompted to call after joining. If you are international, please email kgeary@nsf.gov to obtain the appropriate dial in number. In the event the number of requests exceeds the capacity, some requests may have to be denied. The presentation, audio and transcript will be available after the webinar on this webpage.
David Corman, Program Director, CISE/CNS, telephone: (703) 292-8754, email: dcorman@nsf.gov
Nicholas Anderson, Program Director, GEO/AGS, telephone: (703) 292-4715, email: nanderso@nsf.gov
Radhakishan Baheti, Program Director, ENG/ECCS, telephone: (703) 292-8339, email: rbaheti@nsf.gov
John Cherniavsky, Program Director, EHR/DRL, telephone: (703) 292-5136, email: jchernia@nsf.gov
Bruce Hamilton, Program Director, ENG/CBET, telephone: 7032929054, email: bhamilto@nsf.gov
Sara Kiesler, Program Director, SBE/SES, telephone: (703) 292-8643, email: skiesler@nsf.gov
Tatiana Korelsky, Program Director, CISE/IIS, telephone: (703) 292-8930, email: tkorelsk@nsf.gov
David Mendonca, Program Director, ENG/CMMI, telephone: (703) 292-7081, email: mendonca@nsf.gov
Sunil Narumalani, Program Director, SBE/BCS, telephone: (703) 292-4995, email: snarumal@nsf.gov
Wendy Nilsen, Program Director, CISE/IIS, telephone: (703) 292-2568, email: wnilsen@nsf.gov
Rahul T. Shah, Program Director, CISE/CCF, telephone: (703) 292-2709, email: rshah@nsf.gov
NSF Related Organizations
Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Directorate for Education and Human Resources
Directorate for Engineering
Directorate for Geosciences
Directorate for Social, Behavior and Economic Sciences