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Series ended Conferences and workshops

Text Production and Comprehension by Human and Artificial Intelligence

About the series

Workshop Topic: Text Production and Comprehension by Human and Artificial Intelligence

By bringing together experts in cognitive sciences, linguistics, and AI-based NLP, this 2-day, online workshop aims to address fundamental questions regarding the representation of written language knowledge in humans, the cognitive processes involved in human-AI collaboration during text comprehension and composition, and the potential of large language models for enhancing reading and writing skills. This interdisciplinary dialogue is crucial for unlocking new insights, fostering innovative learning experiences, and optimizing the interaction between AI and human cognition in the context of written text processing.

During the workshop, researchers in cognitive psychology of reading and writing, linguistics and applied linguistics, and AI-based natural language processing will be invited to discuss their research in light of the following research questions:

  • To what extent do large language models offer hypotheses about how human minds produce natural-language texts?
  • What might happen in human writers' minds as they collaborate with AI (for example, ChatGPT) when producing texts?

The workshop will also include a session on "Practical Applications of AI for Learning," which will include applications of generative AI for K–12 and higher education.

When: June 13-14, 2024.  This is a virtual event.
Interested participants can register at this website: https://www.isu-pacelab.org/workshop-ai-text-production

Past events in this series
