Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Lectures

Trust and Turtles All the Way Down.....

About the series


The emergence of a federated Internet identity infrastructure has had immediate consequence on a number of national trust and security initiatives, including access to scientific research resources, NSTIC, and DHS. Ahead, there are many opportunities to leverage this infrastructure to enable new capabilities in application security, middleware services, and down at network layer security. This talk will provide some updates on the rapidly developing identity infrastructure and then focus on a number of ways to extend this infrastructure to apply to services, devices, network security, and other elements of our insecure world.


Ken Klingensteinis director of the Internet2 Middleware and Security Initiative. In his Internet2 middleware role, he is responsible for fostering the development and dissemination of middleware interoperability and best practices, through partnership efforts of leaders among campus IT architects, corporations, and government agencies. Among the notable results of this activity are Shibboleth, SAML and federated identity. From 1985-1999, he served as director of Computing and Network Services at the University of Colorado at Boulder. His responsibilities included overall management for media, networking, and computing at the university. Ken has been a leader in national networking for the past 20 years. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley.

Past events in this series