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Series ended Lectures

Wireless LAN Security: Fact, Fiction and Research

About the series

Lecturer: Professor William A. Arbaugh, Professor at University of Maryland, College Park

Many argue that the problems with wireless network security parallel those with wired security. This is not entirely true - wireless security does differ from wired security in several important aspects.

In this talk, I will highlight why wireless security is different from wired security by presenting an overview of the current and past security problems with the IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN standard. My examination will focus on the design errors that created the problems, and how the problems could have been avoided. Finally, I'll conclude the talk by briefly describing several research challenges in the wireless space and current work at the University of Marlyand to address these challenges.

About the Lecturer:
William Arbaugh joined the Computer Science department at Maryland after spending sixteen years with the U.S. Department of Defense -- first as a commissioned officer in the Army and then as a civilian. During the sixteen years, Prof. Arbaugh served in several leadership positions in diverse areas ranging from tactical communications to advanced research in information security and networking. In his last position, Prof. Arbaugh served as a senior technical advisor in an office of several hundred computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians conducting advanced networking research and engineering. Prof. Arbaugh received a B.S. from the United States Military Academy at West Point, a M.S. in computer science from Columbia University in New York City, and a PhD in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Prof. Arbaugh's research interests include information systems security and privacy with a focus on wireless networking, embedded systems, and configuration management. He also currently serves on the editorial board of IEEE Computer where he edits a bi-monthly column on Information Security.

Contact Prof. Arbaugh at: waa@cs.umd.edu

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