NRT research and innovation: Harnessing the Data Revolution

NRT research and innovation: Harnessing the Data Revolution

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) "Big Idea" highlights the global importance of accelerating data-driven discovery to address fundamental questions at the frontiers of science and engineering. HDR-centered efforts create frameworks for advancing data-driven decision-making that benefits society and sparks discovery and innovation. This work focuses on supporting advancements in three interrelated areas:

  • Data science research: Engaging NSF's research community in the pursuit of fundamental research in data science and engineering.
  • Advanced cyberinfrastructure: Developing a cohesive, national-scale approach to research data infrastructure.
  • Educational pathways: Innovating an education-research-based framework to support the development of a 21st century data-capable workforce.

For nearly a decade, the National Research Traineeship (NRT) has been an integral part of NSF's national efforts to prepare STEM students to become leaders in the movement for data-driven decision-making. These projects are a sample of diverse NRTs focused on harnessing the data revolution for food.

Data in Engineering and Society at the University of Hawaii 

Data-based decision-making can dramatically improve the way our societies create energy, provide transportation and health care, support communications and beyond. But to leverage those benefits, leaders must deepen their understanding of the interconnection between economic and social systems and technological progress.

At the University of Hawaii at Manoa, an interdisciplinary team has launched an NRT that "brings together engineering, computer science, social science, business and medicine to harness the transformative power of data science." Trainees engage in a comprehensive curriculum that bridges the gaps between traditionally disparate fields. Working in cohort teams, they approach real-world data science problems in diverse topic areas — from decarbonizing electricity and transportation to developing novel diagnosis approaches in pediatric medicine to creating next-generation wireless systems for enhanced communication. Through this work, they develop the skills to analyze data from a range of sources and apply it to scientific and social-domain challenges to improve decision-making.

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Data Driven Decision Making at Tufts University

The interdisciplinary team that launched the Data Driven Decision Making @ Tufts NRT drew their inspiration from the wisdom shared by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, "No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story." Their project seeks to train a new generation of data professionals with the ability to create innovative and powerful data-driven solutions that weave together both quantitative data and compelling narratives. The program offers trainees the opportunity to engage with modular course elements that deepen their skills in both qualitative and quantitative spaces. At the same time, it uses problem-focused immersion, allowing trainees to study complex, real-world scenarios and engage in "full 'virtuous circles' of data discovery" beginning with data analysis and insights and leading to data-informed policies and decisions to benefit people, communities and entire societies.

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Dependable Data Driven Discovery at Iowa State University

Data-driven discoveries have the power to bring critical change to nearly every aspect of people's lives — how to provide health care and education, create policies that govern nations and much more. At Iowa State University, an NRT launched at the Dependable Data Driven Discovery (D4) Institute is focused on ensuring that data-based discoveries and decisions are made using dependable, accurate information. With a specific focus on pursuing quality assurance for biological data, the D4 Program seeks to "produce a new generation of biological data scientists, biomedical engineers and data scientists with a deep understanding of risks and mitigation methods to provide quality assured data-driven scientific discoveries and engineering inventions."

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