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197 results for ""
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Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Excellence in Research (HBCU - EiR) | NSF 23-598

Supports research at public and private historically Black colleges and universities to strengthen research capacity and promote engagement with NSF.

Letter of Intent Deadline:
July 11, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) | NSF 23-574

Supports scholarships in cybersecurity that require a service obligation following graduation equivalent to the length of the scholarship.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 15, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Directorate for STEM Education (IUSE: EDU) | NSF 23-510

Supports projects to improve STEM teaching and learning for undergraduate students, including studying what works and for whom and how to transform institutions to adopt successful practices in STEM education.

Posted November 11, 2015
Full Proposal Deadline:
July 17, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Institutional Partnership Pilot Program | NSF 24-566

Supports graduate student research and education projects with high industry relevance through partnerships between non-R1 institutions, institutions with existing or completed NRT projects, and industry partners.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 22, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) | NSF 23-563

HBCU-UP provides awards to strengthen STEM undergraduate education and research at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Support is available through the following tracks: Targeted Infusion Projects (TIP), which provide support to achieve a short-term, well-defined goal for enhancing and...
Letter of Intent Deadline:
July 23, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) | NSF 22-586

Supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.

Posted March 3, 2003
Full Proposal Deadline:
July 24, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (CREST-RISE) | NSF 24-562

Supports the expansion of research and education capabilities of minority-serving institutions to strengthen their science and engineering graduate programs and the successful production of research doctoral students.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 2, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) | NSF 20-554

Supports systemic change projects to enhance gender equity and inclusion for STEM faculty.

Posted August 7, 2008
Full Proposal Target Date
August 2, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Preliminary proposal required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) | NSF 22-585

Supports applied research and development focused on increasing preK-12 students' interest in careers in information and communication technology and STEM through technology-based learning experiences.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 9, 2024

ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering (ECLIPSE) | PD 24-110Z

Supports translational research and workforce development at the interface of fundamental plasma science and technological innovation.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 13, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) | NSF 21-576

Supports alliances among institutions of higher education to design and implement strategies that increase the number of historically underrepresented STEM faculty and promote systemic change.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 20, 2024
  • Preliminary proposal required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) | NSF 23-601

Supports intensive research by undergraduate students in any NSF-funded area of research. REU Sites engage a cohort of students in research projects related to a theme. REU Supplements engage students in research related to a new or ongoing NSF research award.

Posted November 30, 2004
Full Proposal Deadline:
August 21, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program | NSF 23-586

The National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (Noyce) invites innovative proposals that address the critical need for recruiting, preparing, and retaining highly effective elementary and secondary mathematics and science teachers and teacher leaders who persist as classroom teachers...
Full Proposal Deadline:
August 27, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) | NSF 21-595

Supports tribal colleges and universities, Alaska Native-serving institutions, and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions to promote STEM research and education to increase the number of Native Americans in STEM careers.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 3, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Hub and Topical Interest Groups (TCUP Hub and TIGs) | NSF 24-548

Supports capacity building at tribal colleges and universities to expand and diversify networks, facilitate relationships and support faculty. This program also supports independent, faculty-led topical interest groups that focus on professional development.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 1, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) | NSF 23-556

Supports the facilitation, creation and growth of open-source ecosystems for the creation of new technology solutions.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 5, 2024
Standard Grant

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program | NSF 21-536

Supports interdisciplinary, evidence-based traineeships that advance ways for graduate students in research-based master's and doctoral degree programs to pursue a range of STEM careers.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 6, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

IUSE/Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (IUSE/PFE: RED) | NSF 24-564

Supports fundamental changes to the training of undergraduate engineering students that equip them with the technical and professional skills needed to solve complex societal problems.

Posted July 31, 2008
Full Proposal Deadline:
September 10, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Hispanic Serving Institutions: Equitable Transformation in STEM Education | NSF 24-578

Supports capacity building at HSIs through projects focused on institutional transformation and STEM education research, as well as HSI Hubs that amplify areas of need and importance to the HSI community.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 11, 2024
Cooperative Agreement

Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT) | NSF 23-507

Supports inclusive experiential learning opportunities that provide cohorts of diverse learners with the skills needed to succeed in emerging technology fields.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 12, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet) | NSF 23-619

The contemporary research landscape is a collaborative and international enterprise requiring high level coordination among multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural teams. As such, the Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations program (AccelNet) values cooperation over competition. Program goals are to 1) leverage prior...
Posted March 11, 2009
Full Proposal Deadline:
September 16, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

NSF Dynamic Language Infrastructure - NEH Documenting Endangered Languages (DLI-DEL) | NSF 22-615

Supports research and infrastructure that digitally records and documents languages — with an emphasis on endangered languages — through the preparation of lexicons, grammars, text samples and databases, advancing linguistic theory and the study of language.

Full Proposal Target Date
September 16, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Workplace Equity for Persons with Disabilities in STEM and STEM Education | NSF 23-593

Supports fundamental, applied and translational research that advances knowledge and practice about diverse, equitable, inclusive and accessible STEM and STEM education workplaces and postsecondary training environments for persons with disabilities.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 17, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Cooperative Agreement

National STEM Teacher Corps Pilot Program | NSF 24-577

Supports regional alliances in identifying and selecting outstanding STEM teachers across the nation to reward their achievements, raise their public profile and create rewarding career paths that support STEM research and public scientific literacy.

Full Proposal Deadline:
October 1, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

EDU Core Research (ECR:Core) | NSF 21-588

Supports research on STEM education in one or more of three research areas: STEM learning and learning environments, broadening participation in STEM, and STEM workforce development.

Full Proposal Deadline:
October 3, 2024