Opportunities in Basic Research in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences with the Potential to Contribute to National Security A Partnership Between the NSF Directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the Intelligence Community
The National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) and the Intelligence Community (IC) are coordinating efforts to identify bold new concepts in basic research and workforce development in the MPS disciplines with the potential to contribute to national security. This solicitation is intended to inform researchers in disciplines supported by the MPS Directorate--the Divisions of Astronomical Sciences, Chemistry, Materials Research, Mathematical Sciences, and Physics--that NSF welcomes proposals for Small Grants for Exploratory Research that promote the objectives of the ACT program.
Program contacts
Proposers are strongly urged to contact an appropriate ACT Contact before preparing or submitting a proposal to this solicitation.
Andrew W. Clegg Program Manager
aclegg@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4892 | |
Katharine J. Covert Program Director
kcovert@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4950 | MPS/CHE |
LaVerne D. Hess Program Director (EM)
lhess@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4937 | |
Leland M. Jameson Program Director
ljameson@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4883 | |
Hans Kaper Program Director
hkaper@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4859 | |
Bradley D. Keister Program Director
bkeister@nsf.gov | (703) 292-7377 | |
Nigel A. Sharp Program Director (Acting)
nsharp@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4905 | MPS/AST |
Michael Steuerwalt Program Director
msteuerw@nsf.gov | (703) 292-4860 |