The Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS) program focuses on advancing the state of the art in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. The program supports research and related education activities fundamental to the development of computer systems capable of performing a broad variety of intelligent tasks, and to the development of computational models of intelligent behavior across the spectrum of human intelligence.
Examples of performance-oriented topics include intelligent agents, planning, automated reasoning, machine learning, case-based reasoning, knowledge representation methodologies, and architectures for combining intelligent tasks such as perception, reasoning, planning, learning, and action. Examples of cognitive-oriented topics include analogical reasoning, concept formation and evolution, argumentation, integration of knowledge from diverse sources and experience, knowledge acquisition by human learners, manipulation and development of taxonomies and classification systems, collaborative behavior, and adaptation and learning.
Many topics, such as the support of human decision making and diagnosis in complex task domains, require a combination of the two orientations.
Program contacts
Edwina L. Rissland Program Director
| | (703) 292-8930 |