Abstract collage of science-related imagery

Critical-Zone Collaborative Network

Status: Archived

Archived funding opportunity

This document has been archived.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.


NSF seeks proposals to establish an adaptive and responsive research network that supports investigations of the Earth’s Critical Zone.  This network will consist of two components that will work together to advance knowledge, education, and outreach in this convergent science: 1) Thematic Clusters of fixed or temporary locations will conduct basic research on significant, overarching scientific questions concerning the structure, function, and processes of the Critical Zone. These U.S.-based Clusters could include existing observatories engaged in collecting environmental data, other monitoring locations that have been in operation for extended periods of time, and new sites that will support the scientific goals of the Cluster;  2) A Coordinating Hub  that will oversee the compatibility and archiving of the data resulting from the Thematic Clusters, coordinate outreach and community-building activities, support the use of network facilities by outside researchers, and plan for infrastructure needs of the network. 

This solicitation invites proposals for either of the two components: 1) Thematic Cluster or 2) Coordinating Hub. The Thematic Clusters will carry out interdisciplinary research on scientific questions and manage part of the network infrastructure; the Coordinating Hub will serve as the national center for the network. The infrastructure of the network will be accessible to other research teams pursuing research in the Critical Zone.

Program contacts

Richard F. Yuretich
cznet@nsf.gov (703) 292-4744 GEO/EAR
Enriqueta C. Barrera
cznet@nsf.gov (703) 292-4731
Justin Lawrence
cznet@nsf.gov (703) 292-2425 GEO/EAR
Ingrid Padilla
cznet@nsf.gov (703)292-2268
Philip C. Bennett
cznet@nsf.gov (703) 292-2915

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