This special competition inaugurates the Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) priority area. This priority area aims to develop and apply multi-scaled, multi-disciplinary approaches to better understand the causes and ramifications of change and to increase collective capabilities to anticipate its complex consequences. A related goal is to improve the understanding of the dynamics of behavior and the human mind. HSD also aims to advance knowledge of the cognitive and social structures that create and define change and to help people and organizations better manage profound or rapid change. In this initial year of a multi-year effort, the following topical areas will be emphasized: (A) Decision Making Under Uncertainty (DMUU), a part of the President's Climate Change Research Initiative; (B) Enhancing Human Performance (EHP); and (C) Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM).
In all areas, emphasis is placed on advancement of fundamental understanding within and across the social, behavioral, and economic science disciplines as well as related science and engineering disciplines. Emphasis also is placed on the integration of theoretical and empirical research. Four special competitions will be conducted in FY 2003. Two relate to the Decision Making Under Uncertainty topical area. One DMUU special competition (A1) will emphasize the establishment of centers where teams of researchers in partnership with decision makers and other stakeholders advance knowledge about decision-making processes and develop decision-support tools and other products that will facilitate decision making associated with climate change. A second DMUU special competition (A2) will provide support for developmental activities to advance longer-term capabilities for conducting fundamental research on decision making associated with climate change. A third HSD special competition (B) will focus on Enhancing Human Performance; a fourth (C) will focus on Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models. For the EHP and EITM special competitions, individuals and small groups of investigators as well as teams may submit proposals to advance fundamental understandings and achieve a range of broader impacts.
Program contacts
- For contacts in Decision Making Under Uncertainty (DMUU), see
- For contacts in Enhancing Human Performance (EHP), see
- For contacts in Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM), see