The Biological Anthropology and Archaeology Programs are pleased to announce the continuation in 2015 of the Integrative Paleoanthropology Grants (IPG) competition. Prior competitions were held in 2012 and 2013. In 2015, contingent on availability of funds, the Programs plan to make a single award for a maximum total cost of $1,000,000 to support a multi-year project of up to five years in duration.
The goal of the competition is to further innovative, integrative research to elucidate hominin biological and behavioral evolution. The particular focus is on long term processes within hominin evolution and how they relate to major questions of paleoanthropological significance. While the intellectual scope of the competition is thus constrained, the potential methodologies and disciplines are not. It is understood, for example, that fields such as (but not limited to) cognitive science, genetics, and spatial or mathematical modeling may be directly relevant to such an endeavor.
Competition organizers recognize that much paleoanthropological research is currently interdisciplinary and integrative in nature. However, the competition is intended to stimulate research that is integrative and crosses intellectual/disciplinary boundaries in novel ways, above and beyond current practice. As general examples, an integrative and interdisciplinary project might: 1) encompass broader perspectives, not previously synthesized, on regional and large-scale comparative issues, or 2) result in the development and application of an innovative method informed by multiple disciplines. Proposals are required to address this issue directly in the project description by using up to two pages of the 15 to specifically speak to how the proposed research is both integrative and novel beyond norms currently in practice and how the proposed research could not be accomplished otherwise. Reviewers and Program Officials will place significant weight on this criterion.
Applicants must submit their proposal to either the Biological Anthropology or Archaeology Program by 5:00 PM local time on April 2, 2015. Proposals should follow standard Program guidelines (except for the listed submission dates) that are available on the Programs’ web sites. The prefix “IPG” should be included in the application title. Proposals will be reviewed through both outside review and a specially constituted panel. In addition to the specifics discussed above, standard NSF review criteria apply.
For questions, please feel free to contact:
Rebecca Ferrell (Program Director, Biological Anthropology):; 703-292-7850
John Yellen (Program Director, Archaeology):; 703-292-8759
Program contacts
Rebecca Ferrell
| | (703) 292-7850 | SBE/BCS |
John E. Yellen
| | (703) 292-8759 | SBE/BCS |