The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) will reach its ten year authorized award life at the end of Fiscal Year 2013. The National Science Foundation is announcing in this solicitation an open competition to establish a Next-Generation National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NG NNIN) for Fiscal Years 2014-2018.
NNIN has enabled major discoveries, innovations, and contributions to education and commerce within all disciplines of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology through NSF support of a national network of university-based user facilities. These facilities have provided open access to leading-edge nanotechnology fabrication and characterization tools, instrumentation, and expertise for users across the nation from academia, small and large industry, and government. The core mission of NNIN has included national-level education and outreach programs to enable a diverse science and engineering workforce, the study of societal and ethical implications of nanotechnology including issues of environment, health, and safety, as well as important modeling and simulation capabilities.
The new competition for the NG NNIN will build on the concept of NNIN with a much broadened scope and user base. Support is being provided by all NSF Directorates and the Office of International Science and Engineering as an integral part of the NSF investment in Nanoscale Science and Engineering.
Program contacts
Lawrence S. Goldberg (Lead)
| | (703) 292-8339 | |
Guebre X. Tessema
| | (703) 292-4935 | |
Barbara P. Karn
| | (703) 292-7949 | |
Bruce Kramer
| | (703) 292-5348 | ENG/CMMI |
Zeev Rosenzweig
| | (703) 292-7719 | |
Sankar Basu
| | (703) 292-7843 | CISE/CCF |
Sally E. O'Connor
| | (703) 292-4552 | BIO/DBI |
Frederick M. Kronz
| | (703) 292-7283 | |
David Lambert
| | (703) 292-4736 | |
Duncan E. McBride
| | (703) 292-4630 | |
Graham M. Harrison
| | (703) 292-7252 |