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814 results for ""
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Cooperative Agreement

EPSCoR Collaborations for Optimizing Research Ecosystems Research Infrastructure Improvement Program (E-CORE RII) | NSF 23-587

The Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) fulfills the mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote scientific progress nationwide. Through this program, NSF facilitates the establishment of partnerships among academic institutions, government, industry, and non-profit sectors that...
Full Proposal Deadline:
July 9, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Excellence in Research (HBCU - EiR) | NSF 23-598

Supports research at public and private historically Black colleges and universities to strengthen research capacity and promote engagement with NSF.

Letter of Intent Deadline:
July 11, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant

Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS) | NSF 23-568

Supports research that studies the behavior of individuals and groups by leveraging data and network science and the development of data infrastructure that makes such work possible.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 11, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

Social Psychology | PD 22-1332

Supports research and infrastructure to advance knowledge of human social behavior, including neural and physiological patterns; thought and emotion processes; and intentions, actions and habits that explain ways of thinking about and relating to others.

Full Proposal Target Date
July 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Leading Engineering for America's Prosperity, Health, and Infrastructure (LEAP HI) | NSF 22-594

The LEAP HI program challenges the engineering research community to take a leadership role in addressing demanding, urgent, and consequential challenges for advancing America’s prosperity, health and infrastructure. LEAP HI proposals confront engineering problems that are too complex to yield...
Letter of Intent Deadline:
July 15, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) | NSF 23-574

Supports scholarships in cybersecurity that require a service obligation following graduation equivalent to the length of the scholarship.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 15, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Linguistics | PD 98-1311

Supports research on human language — encompassing investigations of the properties of individual human languages and natural language in general — and the intersections of linguistics with cognition, society and other areas of science.

Full Proposal Target Date
July 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Linguistics Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (Ling-DDRI) | NSF 20-538

Supports doctoral research on human language — encompassing investigations of the properties of individual human languages and natural language in general — and the intersections of linguistics with cognition, society and other areas of science.

Full Proposal Target Date
July 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Cooperative Agreement

Synthesis Center for Understanding Organismal Resilience | NSF 23-564

Supports the establishment of a new Synthesis Center focused on organismal resilience and plasticity as well as training new generations of researchers in data-intensive, open, cross-disciplinary and collaborative science.

Posted December 23, 2008
Full Proposal Deadline:
July 15, 2024
Standard Grant

Arctic Research Opportunities | NSF 23-572

Supports research that advances a fundamental, process or systems-level understanding of the Arctic's rapidly changing natural environment and social and cultural systems, as well as to improve capacity in projecting future change.

Full Proposal Target Date
July 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Directorate for STEM Education (IUSE: EDU) | NSF 23-510

Supports projects to improve STEM teaching and learning for undergraduate students, including studying what works and for whom and how to transform institutions to adopt successful practices in STEM education.

Posted November 11, 2015
Full Proposal Deadline:
July 17, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Institutional Partnership Pilot Program | NSF 24-566

Supports graduate student research and education projects with high industry relevance through partnerships between non-R1 institutions, institutions with existing or completed NRT projects, and industry partners.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 22, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) | NSF 23-563

HBCU-UP provides awards to strengthen STEM undergraduate education and research at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Support is available through the following tracks: Targeted Infusion Projects (TIP), which provide support to achieve a short-term, well-defined goal for enhancing and...
Letter of Intent Deadline:
July 23, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) | NSF 22-586

Supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.

Posted March 3, 2003
Full Proposal Deadline:
July 24, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Biological Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards (BA-SR) | NSF 23-503

Supports field, laboratory and computational research on human and nonhuman primate adaptation, variation and evolution to advance knowledge about human origins and the dynamics between biology and culture.

Full Proposal Window
July 30, 2024
Proposal window July 20, 2024 - July 30, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Cooperative Agreement

Scientific Ocean Drilling Coordination Office for the Division of Ocean Sciences | NSF 24-568

Supports the establishment of a coordinating office that will work with principal investigators to manage the development of a deep-sea drilling program and provide drilling services needed by the ocean science community.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 30, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Developmental Sciences (DS) | NSF 24-544

Supports research on the cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural and biological processes involved in human development across the life span — illuminating the developmental processes that support individuals in living productive lives as members of society.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 30, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant

Biological Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (BA-DDRIG) | NSF 23-504

Supports doctoral research including field, laboratory and computational research on human and nonhuman primate adaptation, variation and evolution to advance knowledge about human origins and the dynamics between biology and culture.

Full Proposal Window
July 31, 2024
Proposal window July 20, 2024 - July 31, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Research Experiences for Teachers Sites in Biological Sciences (BIORETS) | NSF 21-584

Supports biological research experiences for middle school teachers, high school teachers and community college faculty at institutions of higher learning or at nonprofit organizations that conduct education and research.

Posted November 30, 2004
Full Proposal Deadline:
July 31, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Perception, Action & Cognition (PAC) | PD 09-7252

Supports theoretically motivated research aimed at increasing understanding of human perception, action and cognition and their interactions.

Full Proposal Window
August 1, 2024
Proposal window July 15, 2024 - August 1, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Law & Science (LS) | PD 21-128Y

Supports social scientific studies of the connections between law and law-like systems of rules, law and human behavior, as well as studies of how science and technology are applied in legal contexts.

Full Proposal Target Date
August 1, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (CREST-RISE) | NSF 24-562

Supports the expansion of research and education capabilities of minority-serving institutions to strengthen their science and engineering graduate programs and the successful production of research doctoral students.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 2, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) | NSF 20-554

Supports systemic change projects to enhance gender equity and inclusion for STEM faculty.

Posted August 7, 2008
Full Proposal Target Date
August 2, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Preliminary proposal required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Science and Technology Studies (STS) | NSF 22-629

Supports historical, philosophical and social scientific studies of the intellectual, material and social aspects of STEM — including ethics, equity, governance and policy issues relating to scientific theory and practice.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 5, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Cooperative Agreement

NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) | NSF 24-565

Supports multi-sector coalitions focused on accelerating technology, workforce development and economic growth within a particular region of service.

Preliminary Proposal Deadline:
August 6, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Preliminary proposal required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines