Sites and Supplements
Supports summer research experiences for K-14 educators that foster long-term collaborations between universities, community colleges, school districts and industry partners.
The Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science program supports authentic summer research experiences for K-14 educators to foster long-term collaborations between universities, community colleges, school districts, and industry partners. With this solicitation, the Directorates for Engineering (ENG) and Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) focus on a reciprocal exchange of expertise between K-14 educators and research faculty and (when applicable) industry mentors. K-14 educators will enhance their scientific disciplinary knowledge in engineering or computer science and translate their research experiences into classroom activities and curricula to broaden their students’ awareness of and participation in computing and engineering pathways. At the same time, the hosting research faculty will deepen their understanding of classroom practices, current curricula, pedagogy, and K-14 educational environments.
Program contacts
Patricia Simmons
| | (703) 292-5143 | |
Amelia S. Greer
| | (703) 292-2552 | ENG/EEC |
Allyson Kennedy
| | (703) 292-8950 | CISE/CNS |