NSF is committed to fostering the development of a scalable, comprehensive, secure and sustainable cyberinfrastructure that supports potentially transformative research in science and engineering. The development of a mature cyberinfrastructure relies on the development, deployment, and reliable use of new technologies to catalyze transformative research.
The purpose of the Software Development for Cyberinfrastructure (SDCI) program is to develop and deploy a set of reusable and expandable software components and systems that benefit a broad set of science and engineering applications. This program supports software development along two thrust areas: end-to-end high performance computer networking and cyber security. Supported activities include development, testing, experimental deployment, and trial use of software in relevant settings enabling research and education activities in any area of science and engineering supported by NSF. A strong emphasis is placed on moving from infrastructure research to infrastructure capability. SDCI funds software activities for enhancing scientific productivity and for facilitating research and education collaborations through sharing of data, instruments, and computing and storage resources. The program requires open source software development. Collaborations with industry are encouraged.
Program contacts
Kevin Thompson
| | (703) 292-4220 | CISE/OAC |