The Science and Engineering Information Integration and Informatics (SEIII) program focuses on advancing the state of the art in the application of advanced information technology to science and engineering problems in specific domains, such as astronomy, biology, the geosciences, public health and health care delivery. Since many scientific problems have common needs for information management and data analysis, the advancement of these technologies is central to SEIII. Similarly, within computer science, the study of complex distributed computer and network systems requires the collection and analysis of timely, accurate and reliable information. Although methods for the analysis of scientific data and information will be supported by the program, a special emphasis will be placed on domain-specific and general-purpose tools for integrating information from disparate sources. Such integration is a key step of many projects yet is rarely addressed in full generality. The SEIII program will have two separate components to address these research areas: Science and Engineering Informatics (SEI) and Information Integration (II).
Within this program, the NSF intends to support a group of projects that will advance the understanding of technology to enable scientific discovery, and that will creatively integrate research and education for the benefit of technical specialists and the general population.
Program contacts
Other divisions within CISE and other Directorates within NSF are interested in aspects of this solicitation. PIs are encouraged to designate additional programmatic interest in their submissions to this solicitation.
James C. French Program Director
| | (703) 292-8930 | |
Sylvia Spengler Program Director
| | (703) 292-8930 | CISE/IIS |