Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting workshops to develop a strategy for the NSF Arctic Observing Network Program
A new NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting Workshops to Develop a Strategy for the NSF Arctic Observing Network (AON) Program, (NSF DCL 23-052) has been posted inviting proposals for workshops to identify key science drivers as well as critical infrastructure and technology needs to strengthen the NSF AON Program. Such workshops are typically identified as conferences in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG).
The Nation's ability to detect and understand atmospheric, marine, societal, and terrestrial changes, and their implications for the rest of the planet, is limited by data gaps and insufficient observations across the Arctic. Hence, a high-level, strategic planning initiative needs to be mounted to assist NSF’s AON Program in identifying and prioritizing the key components for maintaining and strengthening a sustainable Arctic observing network.
Read the full DCL at
For questions and more information, or to discuss ideas for conference goals and proposals, please contact Dr. Roberto Delgado ( and Dr. Olivia Lee (