Frequently asked questions released for the Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowship program

The Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (OPP-PRF) Program has released a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). They are not intended to be a modification of the Program Solicitation. 

The Office of Polar Programs (OPP) postdoctoral research fellowship (PRF) program provides opportunities for early career researchers to initiate or enhance their polar research experience; access polar scientific data, sites and facilities; and develop their professional networks. The OPP-PRF program encourages proposal submission by new investigators who have not previously worked in polar regions and/or projects employing innovative techniques that have not previously been applied to polar science. The program aims to provide early career investigators with opportunities for research and networking that will establish them in positions of leadership in the scientific community.

Because OPP-PRF candidates are likely to be first-time proposers to NSF, PRF program officers have prepared the FAQs regarding the fellowship.

Additional information about the OPP-PRF can be found on the solicitation page