Funding opportunity: Confronting Hazards, Impacts and Risks for a Resilient Planet (CHIRRP)

The Confronting Hazards, Impacts and Risks for a Resilient Planet Program (CHIRRP) invites projects focusing on innovative and transformative research that advances Earth system hazard knowledge and risk mitigation in partnership with affected communities. Hazards compounded by changing climates, rising populations, expanding demands for resources, aging infrastructure, and increasing reliance on technology are putting our economy, well-being, and national security at risk.

CHIRRP projects are expected to advance understanding, forecasting and/or prediction of future Earth system hazards and risks, engage communities in the development of research questions and approaches, and produce actionable, science-based solution pathways for adaptation methodologies, products, and services. CHIRRP projects may evaluate a single or system of cascading hazards, impacts, and risks at a local, regional, or global scale through the lens of transformative earth system science research. Competitive projects will engage community partners at all stages of a project from development to implementation.

The deadline to apply for funding is June 6, 2024. Concept outlines must be submitted 30 days in advance of a full proposal. Learn more about how to apply on the NSF website

Upcoming Webinar

NSF invites you to a virtual webinar to have an interactive conversation about this new program. Program Directors will provide a brief overview of the new opportunity and then answer questions about it. Have your questions ready for the NSF team.  

Date and Time: March 25, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada).

Register in advance for this webinar.