New Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting data and sample reuse in Polar research
The U.S. National Science Foundation Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting data and sample reuse in Polar research from the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) encourages submission of proposals that leverage existing data, physical samples, and non-physical samples (e.g., films, recordings, etc.), as well as those that facilitate the reuse of existing data. In this way, OPP aims to support both the Arctic and Antarctic research communities to drive polar science forward while capitalizing on NSF's previous research investments.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disruptions to the polar research community's ability to access field sites. While field-based research is, and will continue to be, a critical element of polar science, it is one component of much broader Arctic and Antarctic research practices. This DCL aims to improve utilization of previous investments in in situ data and sample collections while also encouraging more inclusive participation of researchers in polar research who may not have the ability or desire to access field sites.
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